Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Donno Campaign is a Mess

Once again Babs Donno takes a swing at Craig Johnson and misses by a mile. In a press release found on Newsday's SpinCycle, Donno says that if Democrats take control of the State Senate, all economic development for Belmont will dry up "New York state Senate candidate Barbara Donno (R,I,C-Manhasset) today warned that if the Senate Majority goes to the Democrats any meaningful economic development plans won’t get done."
"Unfortunately, Speaker Silver is more concerned with New York city, and if the Democrats and Malcolm Smith were to ever take over the Senate; Elmont, and Floral Park would be left to suffer."

Yes Barbara, Malcolm Smith would want to put his majority in jeopardy by screwing over the voters who gave him the a Long Island Democratic Senator and one seat closer to control. Smith would surely want to make sure Johnson gets defeated in two years, right?
What kind of logic does Donno have?

Then she attacks Johnson for fighting to give residents around Belmont a strong voice in the re-development "In contrast, Barbara Donno’s opponent, Senator Craig Johnson is sponsoring a plan that creates a local Advisory Board and includes no plans for economic development, job creation, or host community aid."
Johnson introduced S.6977 to "...establish a Community Advisory Board for Belmont, and correct an egregious error in the state Thoroughbred Racing Franchise Agreement. The agreement, which Senator Johnson voted against, provided community boards for the Saratoga and Aqueduct race tracks, but completely disenfranchised the Elmont and Floral Park residents that host Belmont."
Why would Donno belittle important constituent work?
Would Donno let the New York Racing Authority run rough-shod over the communities surrounding Belmont?

Donno praised republican Assemblyman Alfano for his work on Belmont but kinda ignored that Alfano has been working with Johnson since last year.

And of course, this was all in response to Governor Paterson announced he was working on an economic development plan for Belmont and the surrounding communities. From Newsday "Paterson yesterday expressed frustration that Belmont's "development potential has never been realized" despite its physical beauty and proximity to major highways and the Long Island Rail Road. "Belmont could create new jobs, generate additional tax revenue and bolster economic development in Elmont and other surrounding communities," he said.
"Sen. Craig Johnson (D-Port Washington), whose district also includes Belmont, said residents "deserve an economic development plan that brings all parties to the table without partisan political gamesmanship and ulterior motives." He also said the planning process "should have begun years ago."


Anonymous said...

Both Johnson and Donno have good reason to credit and fear the same thing, but I'm not going to say which is which.

Here goes.

Joe Mondello is still calling the shots.

Anonymous said...

joe mondello cant afford to not call the shots. he needs to pay for the mansion in cove neck. it's a bit more expensive from his levittown house. :) still has the gullotanomics going on in his blood. must be nice to be able to control all the small businesses in nassau. pay up or have suddon zoning problems. :)