Monday, January 12, 2009

New New Poll Shows King Losing to Kennedy Big-time

Polls don’t mean all the much this far out with very little information, they are just snapshots of fleeting opinion. Last week we had a poll that showed Caroline Kennedy barely beating Peter King 46%-44%. This was jumped on by pundits who said “See, she can’t be a serious candidate.”That poll is now made irrelevant by a new poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports.In the poll conducted January 6, 2009 Caroline Kennedy trounces Peter King 51% - 33%.
Also in this new poll King takes a beating in the favorability column with only 39% “Very to Somewhat Favorable” while Kennedy is 63% “Very to Somewhat Favorable.
”King gets 37% Very-Somewhat Unfavorable.
So this would all mean something if Kennedy was chosen to replace Hillary and Kennedy ran in 2010. But none of that is happening yet.I think though the Kennedy doom-sayers from the last poll should take this one just as seriously and trumpet her new numbers.

1 comment:

Adama D. Brown said...

And to think, this is before most New Yorkers really know about how much of a lunatic King is.