Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Schmitt Admits to Not Doing His job

Look, I know that sometimes life can be busy. Heck, I have 3 kids under 4.
But if all you do is be a part-time Legislator and not have any other job, you can at least read the budget proposal given to you.
In a story in Newsday, it is revealed that in the budget proposal for next year there are salary increases from the County Executive to the County Clerk.
The budget proposal is a public document.
Schmitt as Minority Leader was given a copy.
This is what he said to Newsday about the raises "Minority Leader Peter Schmitt sa
id he was "disappointed" that Suozzi did not tell the legislature about the raises, which were in the salary lines of each elected official in a "telephone-size" supporting budget book. "I have always been supportive of the idea of salary increases," Schmitt said. "I think everyone is underpaid relatively speaking, but this is not the right way. This is sneaky."
I think the subject of salary increases is something that should be discussed with public transparency as a stand-alone item and not hidden away like this,""

Whoa! How is putting the raises in th ebudget under its own line "sneaky?"
Sneaky would have been hiding the raises under a different budget line.
Maybe Schmitt should just read the budget.
You know, do his job.
Last time Schmitt was lazy about reading a proposal, Nassau County lost $70million.

Yes, the budget is "telephone-size" which I guess he means telephone book-sized but it is Schmitts job to read it before votes on it.
Did Schmitt want someone to write a Cliff Notes version for him?

To parapharse Schmitt for his response to Suozzi's State of the County Address earlier this year "Peter, Do. Your. Job."

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