Thursday, September 20, 2007

Full of Schmitt

Schmitt raises some rightous indignation on News12 about the PROPOSED raises for the County Executive, Assessor, DA, and Clerk.
Schmitt practically screams at Scott Feldman "You don't try and sneak it in the middle of the night without any public scrutiny or without any public debate or public discussion. He should know better."
What the hell is Schmitt talking about????
Nothing is being "snuck in" because Schmitt as a legislator has to READ the budget proposal and then VOTE yes or no.
Schmitt is just plain LYING when he says there won't be "public debate or public discussion."
That is what the LEGISLATURE will be doing before they vote in the budget proposal.
I'm going to try to help Schmitt here...
Step 1. Suozzi sends budget proposal to the Legislature.
Step 2. The Legislature (which includes Schmitt) will read the budget.
Step 3. The Legislature (again which includes Schmitt) will have a public hearing on the budget.
Step 4. The Legislature (still including Schmitt) will VOTE on the budget.

No where in there is Suozzi sneaking in raises "in the middle of the night" or "
without any public scrutiny or without any public debate or public discussion."

It is up to the LEGISLATURE to approve or deny the raises.
That is how it works.
To use Schmitts own words, Schmitt "should know better."

Schmitt is hoping that he can fool Nassau residents into thinking that the raises are a done deal and no one can object to them.
Why does Schmitt think Nassau residents are stupid?

Here is the video of a red-faced Schmitt doing a great job of looking like a bufoon.

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