Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Hits Keep Coming - A Letter in the South Bay Neighbor Newspaper

Some background: Skelos is pushing a bill that would place the hiring of new teachers in the hands of the State. It's a bad idea on so many levels that Fuschillo just has to back it.

"To the Editor:
Senator Charles J. Fuschillo Jr. (8th District) is co-sponsoring legislation that Senator Dean Skelos (9th District) has produced.
School districts state-wide are autonomous, self-governing community entities, the same as a State, City, Township, Incorporated Village or a fully functioning County.
The Legislation that the Senators have produced would infringe on that which has been the guarantee to all communities - "autonomy."
To extract that guarantee would open the flood-gates to ALL communities state-wide. To establish a precedent of this magnitude would be the same as declaring war on all the municipal entities throughout our State. This legislation is ill-advised and should be scrapped.

Albert Luppo
Brentwood, NY

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