Friday, November 03, 2006

Assemblyman Saladino is Big Fat Liar

The sad excuse for an Assemblyman has been caught in another lie.
Saladino tells the Massapequa Post "One of the biggest obstacles to passing laws such as the civil confinement law for sexual predators, however, has been the Democratic majority in the Assembly, he said. "Every time we bring bills to protect children, they are held up by Democrats who apparently are more concerned about the rights of abusers than the rights of victims," he said."

Wait one GOSH DARN second!!
A simple check of the record of the State Assembly AND Saladino's own record show he voted FOR a civil confinement bill brought up by the DEMOCRATS!!!!!

You can eaily access the bill by going to this link.
BILL NO A09282
SAME AS No same as
COSPNSR Lentol, Aubry, Rivera P, Weisenberg
MLTSPNSR Abbate, Alessi, Bradley, Canestrari, Clark, Colton, Cusick,
Cymbrowitz, DelMonte, Destito, DiNapoli, Eddington, Englebright,
Espaillat, Fields, Galef, Gantt, Gianaris, Gordon, Greene, Gunther,
Karben, Koon, Lafayette, Latimer, Lavelle, Lavine, Lifton, Lupardo,
Magee, Markey, Morelle, Ortiz, Pheffer, Pretlow, Ramos, Reilly,
Schroeder, Seminerio, Tonko, Weinstein, Zebrowski

Add Art 10 SS10.01 - 10.17, amd SS1.03, 7.23, 43.03 & 7.09, Ment Hyg L; amd
SS200.50, 310.50 & 380.60, CP L; amd S168-a, add S622, Cor L; add S38, Judy L;
amd S259-a, add S243-b, Exec L; add S43-b, St Fin L

Provides for the civil confinement of sexual predators.

Notice that Mr. 'I Save the Children from Predators' Saladino isn't even a co-sponsor of this bill.
He did vote for it though. "Saladin Y" or in regular english "Saladino Yes."

So what happended to
"Every time we bring bills to protect children, they are held up by Democrats who apparently are more concerned about the rights of abusers than the rights of victims," ????

Joe Saladino will say ANYTHING to get re-elected.

If Joe has a problem with the bill, then vote against it. Don't lie and say Democrats care more about the abuser.

It would be nice if Joe actually cared about the truth.

NOTE: I gave Saladino a bye last time he had voiced his concern about the veracity of a story that was printed here. I took down the post to be nice.
No Longer.
You can see the original post here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said... is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.