Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Lie About Lies "I am am man of my word"

Schmitt tells Newsday today "I am a man of my word." right after not living up to his agreement to support Corbin for Presiding Officer. We can’t believe he said that with a straight face. But this is Peter Schmitt we are talking about. He has a history of avoiding the truth. (see
Schmitt says of yesterdays vote "I would much prefer that a Democrat be presiding officer….But now that this has happened, we have a government to run."

Then why didn’t he vote for Roger Corbin? Schmitt pledged his caucus’ support for Corbin but in the end voted the other way.
We can see Schmitt in self-preservation mode when it looked like Judy Jacobs as an un-affiliated registration could have pushed out Schmitt as Minority Leader but that wasn’t the scenario Wednesday.
The Democrats put up Leg. Kevan Abrahams for Presiding Officer which would have meant if Schmitt was a "man of his word," he and his caucus would have given Roger Corbin 10 votes, 1 vote for Schmitt and Abrahams would have gotten the 8 Democratic votes. Even with one vote to his name, Schmitt would still be Minority Leader because Abrahams is the same party as Corbin.
Schmitt is an untrustworthy liar. Plain and simple.

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