Sunday, July 13, 2008

Peter King Supports Off-Shore Oil Drilling.. on Long Island

I knew King supported off-shore drilling but like his support for Nuclear Power plants, I figured he'd be against it here.
Surprise, surprise.
King supports drilling in the waters off Long Island.
He appeared Friday on FOX News' 'Your World with Neil Cavuto.' Here is King in his own words:
"ASMAN: Let me ask you specifically, personally, there's the NIMBY factor here, not in my back yard. Are you even for drilling off the coast of New York?

KING: Absolutely.

And, listen, we can't be saying somebody else always has to do it. I have absolutely no problem at all, because today's drilling is so environmentally sensitive and safe, and what's at stake here is far too important.
We're talking about, really, taking on Islamic terrorism. We can't allow ourselves to be held hostage to countries which could become enemies tomorrow."

Yeah, today's drilling is so "environmentally sensitive and safe." Just ask Norway which had it's second worst spill in history a few months ago; "...the spill was estimated at 3,840 cubic meters of oil, which corresponds to 24,154 barrels of oil."



Anonymous said...

So lets just do nothing about oil prices...

Its been almost 40 yrs since a refinery has been built because of NIMBY-ism.

And what does an accident in Norway have to do with United States laws and safety regulations. Horrible comparison.

We need to keep all options on the table.

Oil, Coal & Gas

Anonymous said...

By the way you may want to be a little realistic about your post card of Jones Beach. You can only view at MOST 12 miles from the shore. Most drilling off the coast is NOT visible from the beach. Nice try with the fear tatics.

But don't let facts get in the way of reality.

Oh yeah, remember Katrina? The WORST storm of the century? How many oil spills did we have the Gulf of Mexico?