Saturday, March 29, 2008

Nicolello Caught in School Attorney Scandal

County Legislator Richard Nicolello who is one of the "under the radar" types has been caught up in the school attorney scandal. He is one of many attorneys being listed as a full-time employee even though he only does part-time work. His status at the New Hyde Park-Garden City Park school district would entitle him to a pension.

From the Associated Press: "Nearly one in every five Long Island school districts reportedly has listed outside lawyers as employees, alloweding them to qualify for public pensions while their private practices collected millions of dollars in legal fees."

"Among the attorneys is Nassau County Legislator Richard Nicolello, who has been listed as a New Hyde Park-Garden City Park School District employee for 20 years. Meanwhile, the school system has paid his firm tens of thousands of dollars for its work, according to Newsday.

Nicolello said he claimed only part-time credit and recently had the school district change his status to clarify that he is an outside contractor."

State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and Comptroller Tom DiNapoli have each opened an investigation into the employee status and pensions of the lawyers involved.
Taxpayers need to know why Nicolello is double-dipping.

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