Friday, October 27, 2006

The Newsday Non-Endorsement Endorsement of Assemblyman Joe Saladino

A funny thing happens when you read the endorsements from Newsday or any paper for that matter. They usually say "Newsday endorses..."
And example from this weeks endorsements:
"Newsday endorses Lavine."
"Newsday endorses him (Barra) again."
"Newsday endorses Walker."
"Newsday endorses Sedacca."
"Newsday endorses Jackson."

What did they say about Saladino?
"Saladino has demonstrated, even in his short tenure, that he deserves to return."

What, no "We endorse?"


Anonymous said...

What does this mean? Did they not wish to offend someone so they felt the need to sort of endorse Saladino? Why not just endorse Heller, who they said had an "excellent command of the issues and would do a fine job."?

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you why I believe Newsday does NOT endorse Saladino: (1) Saladino is an administrative assistant from the Town of Oyster Bay ("not that there is anything wrong with that") and not well-versed nor educated in the tasks an Assemblyman should perform; (2) Saladino is distracted by his "perceived" celebrity/royal status; and (3) Saladino treats the media as if he "owns" it and it "owes" him.

Joseph Saladino should go back to his whipping post at the Town of Oyster Bay -- if they still want him.

Anonymous said...

So Saladino is not well versed in what an Assemblyman should do after being in there for a few years-and a lawyer with no record of working in government ever-is?

Anonymous said...

Have you seen all of Saladino's accomplishments during his tenure as Assemblyman? No, I didn't think so. In case you're still wondering why, it's because his ONLY accomplishment is the sponsoring of his "fish bill." You must admit, "it stinks!"

Let's bring Heller in, as an attorney he (at least) has experience in bill writing.

Anonymous said...

This is truly funny. I think you all are smoking crack.. Get a life.

It's funny, there is always a couple of knuckle heads that try to manipulate the system and distract from those that are making a difference.

Step up and run for an office or even volunteer to lead an activity for a good cause and see the commitment that is required. A good family man and partner lawyer will not have the time that an high energy single individual has.

Stop being back seat drivers.

Anonymous said...

I guess that means that Chuck Fuschillo and Kemp Hannon aren't putting in their time?

Last I looked they both have other jobs and are good family men.

Anonymous said...

I think you are all right