Friday, March 25, 2011

Sen. Dean Skelos Accepted a Bribe, Lobbyist Admits.

Rent Stabilization Association President Joe Strasburgspoke to a crowd in Brooklyn and was unaware he was being recorded. Capital Tonight has the video...
"…So, in the last 48 hours [of the elections last year], RSA – and we’re not ashamed of it – we gave and donated and supported all the Republicans. We basically emptied our piggy bank in order to make sure they recaptured the Senate.”

“And Dean Skelos, who understands how important you are as an industry – and it’s selfish – but he understands clearly that if he doesn’t hurt us or he tries to avoid hurting us, we will be there for him next time around, and next time around is two years from now, and you need resources in order to achieve and maintain being in power.”

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