Sunday, October 30, 2005

More Vandalism of Democratic Candidate Signs and Stolen Signs

This is a systemic problem affecting races from the Legislature to Town Council races.
First we have the story of a Town of Oyster Bay Town Council Candidate. Jay Cherlin lives in Massapequa and is not a career politician. he's just a guy who wants to make living better in the Town. What does he get? He gets the following:
"At 8am on my way to work my cell phone rings and it is my daughter. She says, "Dad, you're not going to believe what happened." Some guy rang our doorbell, my daughter goes to the window in time to see him steal our lawn signs from our property and place them in back of a yellow Town of Oyster Bay vehicle.
Was he trying to intimidate us, making sure someone at home knew the Town status quo did not appreciate any competition, or was he just stupid?"

We're going to go with Stupid Intimidation. Venditto's goons have been out in force even going into stores and taking down signs put up with permission.

The following are pictures from the 3rd Legislative District race. Democrat Ali Mirza has had signs destroyed and stolen all over the district.

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More pictures from more locations to come.

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