Friday, September 15, 2006

A Two-Fer.. He's Just a Little "Off": UPDATE

What happend to the original post?
I ran into Joe Saladino and Steve Labriola hanging outside the opening of Peter King's campaign office. Saladino seemed visibly upset over things on this website.
Saladino disputes what was said that he did. He said that what happend was entirely different than what was conveyed.
Fair enough.

Since there is a dispute of the events, I told Saladino I would take down the post and that is what I have done. This was a matter of "He Said/She Said" and we'll leave it at that. I've known Joe for a few years and I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say "yes, things can be misinterpreted."

I'm also not saying the source of the stories is wrong. Joe sees it one way and the source sees it another. He gets a bye this time.
He was alo unhappy with the Photoshopped images which placed him in historical photos as a way of adding a funny graphic to the story. Although the photos aren't offensive, I understand Joe's feelings about be misrepresented in the crowd at the Lee harvey Oswald shooting and at the destruction of the Hindenburg and I did not mean to convey that Joe had anything to do with either event.

Saladino wants to keep to the issues and a heartily agree. He had to go to another event today so he did not want to engage in "street debate" with me on some issues.
I welcome the opportunity to engage in a discussion with Saladino on the issues here or at any venue. I am not his opponent but I am a constituent.
I'd like to know why the state legislature has done nothing to solve the school funding issue.

I'd like to know why the "members items" fund has no accountability.

Anyway, the post is down because we want to be fair.

UPDATE: The Original Post is BACK....

Over at, Christine Sohmer tells us a couple of weeks ago at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon, a local politician (JOE SALADINO) she will not name (JOE SALADINO) sat next to her and proceeded to eat from her plate. BLECH!
Being coy, she just says a politician who won a special election and won't name names.

You'll remember that it was an unnamed local politician (JOE SALADINO) who wanted to be photoshopped into a photo-op because he wasn't there.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

We at Nassau GOP Watch central found something very interesting when we slowed down the last webcast.
Keep your eyes open and look for a special visitor to the webcast...

Now for the two-fer....

Last weekend at a parade in Plainedge, Democratic Assembly Candidate Criag Heller was marching in the parade. As he went over to the side to shake hands with someone, Assemblyman Joe Saladino rushed in front of Heller to shake the hand first.
Heller was heard saying "That's nice" when it first happend.
Heller would introduce himself as "I'm Craig Heller and I'm running against the guy who just shook your hand."
This would elicit a laugh from the people as Saladino marched on to the next person.
Saladino brought along a BIG CHECK to hand out and get his picture taken.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Monday September 11th is a day to let politics go.There is alot to say and alot to be done but for this one day, there is something more important than politics.

Tuesday's Children is a non-profit working to help the families and count on donations to keep their important programs running.

National Search Dog Foundation

World Trade Center Police Disaster Relief Fund

Uniformed Firefighter‘s Association Scholarship Fund

The Port Authority Police World Trade Disaster Survivors’ Fund