The mailer is designed to look like an official mailing FROM the county with the words "Notice of Tax Increase" on both sides and includes an altered Nassau County Seal.
The seal is close.. it's just missing the county name....
Real Seal...
Fake Seal...
It's a clever mailing.. but fairly desperate this early.
That's a clever marketing campaign. It really drives home the point that taxes will increase and grabs the attention of homeowners. Kudos to the GOP.
Not so sure whats wrong with this ad? People are hurting in Nassau County and the tax increase hurts rich and poor, with the poor getting hit worse. This is bad politics on behalf of the Democrats, you are making something out of nothing regarding the ad. You should be writing about the Democrats in the legislature for approving this tax.
Wait so Mejias didn't vote for the 2.5% energy tax? Because if he did I think the Nassau residents need to know.
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